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PACA – AGM 2019 (7pm on 21/09/19)

Respected PACA Financial Members,

In alignment with Clause 16(a) of PACA’s constitution, I am calling an  Annual General Meeting of our paid members at 7 pm on 21.09.19 at Shop 12, 840 Wembley Road, Browns Plains. As per Clause 16 b of PACA’s  constitution we will have the following items on our agenda:

•       Progress in the last year
•       Financial Reporting
•       The election of members of the executive committee. The election  process will be explained to the members on the day. The process will  be facilitated by the secretary.

Please note that in this period approaching the AGM, PACA ceases to  continue any activity related to its day to day running and business.  This includes team meetings and other communication activities. Only activities related with enhancing PACA’s profile will continue where necessary. No communication to or from the executive members will not have any relevance or legal binding.

As per Clause 22 of PACA’s constitution, nominations of Management Committee must be in the hands of the Secretary two days (48 hours) before commencement of AGM.

For any information or urgent issues, please contact Secretary Amer Chowdry as per following details:

Email: or
Mobile: 0452 477 786

Please RSVP by 15.09.2019 as we need to know the number to arrange for refreshments.


Your Sincerely,

Amer Chowdry.